Over the past decade, Build Me A World has explored different ideas, practices, and experiences that revolve around one big idea: our inner world influences the world in front of us. We believe it is important to prepare the soil before you plant the seed to grow. In an effort to prepare people to grow we work in three specific formats: workshops, mentoring and retreats.
Workshops are introductory experiences that provide a basic beginning structure for growth.
Mentoring is an intimate engagement (often referred to as spiritual direction) that personalizes the experience of growth and unfolding.
Retreats are personal or group experiences of rest, recovery and growth intended to provide both a workshop beginning learning with a mentoring feel.
Before problem solving or “getting down to business” occurs people need the opportunity to sit with each other and engage in some aspect of humility-building, exchanging personal stories and perspective, learning each other’s language and experience. This process continues throughout the work and deepens as work becomes more concrete.
As relationships establish, problem posing is possible. This is where the resources of history, data and context are introduced.
Participants will never realize what they have until they try it on. This is often referred to as praxis: learning from doing not simply thinking and then reflecting on what happened.
Frequently Asked Questions
"Chris has a way...that's really the best way to describe him lol. He's beautifully aware, tenderly honest, with an alluring intellect that's more playful than intimidating. I've leaned on Chris's advice many times over the years."
"Chris Woodhull is a deep, sensitive, and complicated man created in a caldron of multiple talents whom I am fortunate to have as my friend and writing mentor. We should all be so lucky."
"Chris Woodhull is more than a poet, more than jazz wrapped in blood, muscle, and skin. He’s a mentor, a visionary, and friend. And yet, one of the coolest, unpredictable human beings."
"Chris' passion for people, love for community, and intellectual prowess make him a contender for change. Every time we are together, I feel like I learn something new. His commitment to seeing long lasting impact wherever he goes, is truly awe inspiring."
(865) 661-4131